Friday, January 13, 2012

Out for the weekend

Now Playing: Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson

Since my friends are taking forever to arrive, let me blog first. So, I'll be out for the weekend to trek/climb. It's been a while since my last and first climb at Mt. (I forgot the name, basta the one in Cuenca, Batangas) and here I am again, off to Mt. Batulao in Nasugbu tomorrow morning for another trek/climb!

I'm not really much of a fitness-buff, nor a nature lover like most mountaineers; but I am definitely one adrenaline junkie. Not so long ago, I have decided to "do everything while I'm young and I still can"; so, here I am, venturing into another adventure. Oh, and did I already mention? I got a haircut today - and it's legit mohawk! Yey for me! 

Zzzz don't really have much to say.. just gonna wait for my friends to pick me up.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Taking a chill pill

The titles says it all. Today's one hell of a chill day for me. I've to admit, a lot of things have been playing inside my mind for the past few days and I really needed the break I had today.

Getting free dinner in your friend's house, talking about the future over some beer, creeping into the scariest and darkest place in the campus, sitting on a bench while overlooking a city, seeing the moon shine so mysteriously, sitting inside the car while music's on and wind's rushing towards your face and running from the shit you imagine.

Friday the 13th? Bring it on. Also looking forward to the weekend! Trekking at Mt. Batulao woohoo!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So much for project 366

A few days ago, I told myself that writing an entry per day in this blog would be my project 366 for this year. Obviously, if you scroll down and look at the previous posts, I wasn't able to blog for a few days. I don't know, maybe I was busy (not really) or I just didn't have anything interesting to say. Oh well, some plans do fail. Maybe I can just do better next year! Hehe.

Anyway, today turned out much better than expected. We had our practical test in PE and I got a 4.8/5, which is actually pretty good. To think I missed some steps.... well, that's fine. Hahaha! I was just expecting to ace the practicals. Nevertheless, I think it's a way of telling me to dance more and that there are definitely more room for improvement. 

We were also supposed to have a 6-9pm make-up class for microeconomics today. However, at around 4pm, our professor texted and told us that the class is cancelled. I honestly didn't know what to feel. I was actually happy that I don't need to sit in a room for 3 hours and sleep to the lullaby of my professor. On the other hand, I had no idea what to do with my free time (as usual); I have no academic requirements for the next day and it's just not me to study in advance for something or review lessons. Also, probability of having some friend to go out with during dinner time was low.

However, right after accounting class, my block decided to go to UP and eat, instead of just going home. Yahoo! Just so you guys know, UP is one of my most favorite places to eat in. Food there is delicious and cheap! Also, I have this fascination for isaw manok and other grilled things that they sell. Not really a fan of fish and squid balls but I'm definitely a kwek kwek enthusiast. Fruit shakes in UP-LB (lutong bahay, not Los Banos) are also really good. For a cheap price of 40 pesos or so, you can choose whatever fruits you want and they'll blend it for you - but here's the catch, if they blend too much for one cup, they'll get another cup and give you the rest of your shake. I remember one time, I got two cups of watermelon shake but just paid for the price of one. Sulit! Siomai in LB is also really good and cheap. Sarap! I have yet to try the "tinapay" of UP. I heard that it's a big sandwich with lots of palaman. Yum! Eating with my blockmates was fun; but just sitting in the trunks of the cars while good music was playing was also definitely fun. It's the chill vibes everybody wants. 

Blockmates by the trunk

Traditional jeje picture with jeje friends plus Jimo's devil face!

Another thing that made my day is getting back with the crew. Even if I've been dancing every Tuesdays and Thursdays for my street dance class for PE, it still feels different to dance around people who you are close to and comfortable with. Honestly, the choreo that we learned today is my new favorite! I'm more of a fan of big moves rather than small, complicated ones. Right after practice was dinner - something I also look forward to! You know, we get to talk about trivial stuff and just make gago each other. 

Okay this blog's getting too long already so last one!

The reason why I'm still awake now and why I'm writing this blog is because something's scaring the shit out of me. As some of you might now, I've finally decided to run for an EB position for my organization and competition's really tight. As in really tight, tighter than *insert explicit content here*. I know that I'm capable but I've got good opponents who are all very well experienced.. The absence of a coalition for myself would be another thing that I need to worry about - actually, this one's the scariest ahhhhhh!!! It means I have to exert more effort in campaigning and allocate more and more time to do my platforms. I CAN DO THIS!!!

That's all for now. If you're reading this, thank you and congratulations 'cause you have made it this far! 

Fresh from the shower and ready for bed, 


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Lotus Effect

Funny at how one point, something would always repel another. 

Water, a compound in liquid state, would normally seep in through different kinds of surfaces. However, there are always exceptions and limits do exist. For an instance, let's take for an example the lotus plant. The water and dirt particle do not stick to the leaves of the lotus plant due to it's unusual composition/structure. 

At some point in our life, we would always find people who would repel us. Point is, we cannot please everyone - and that's how life would always be. 


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

When the pressure starts to kick in

Now playing: Fast Car by Tracy Chapman (a cover of Boyce Avenue ft. Kina Grannis)

A few moments ago, a friend and I were talking over Facebook about something (still not ready to tell what it is though; but some of you may already have an idea) and it came to a point that he told me this: "Underdog ka.."

I was already sleepy when we were talking but that statement that he broke to me woke up my senses and made me think. Yes, I am an underdog in this battle I'm in; and I have to admit, it's scary - it scares the shit out of me. 

Nevertheless, the battle has already began for me; and there's just no turning back. For it's in experiences that we learn and become stronger. It's in our defeats that we learn to stand up, and fight even harder. 

At the end of the day, who knows? Maybe, just maybe - the underdog will rise to be the hero.

On a lighter note, first day of classes for the year tomorrow! Good luck to everyone. Let's do this, three months before the next break!

Apprehensive but still hoping for the best knows the best will come,

Monday, January 2, 2012


Now playing: Skinny Love by Ed Sheeran

So today, I got into another heated argument with my mom. If you're reading my tweets, yes, it's because of driving issues. I understand the reasons why she won't let me drive. What I don't understand is why she cannot take the risk of trusting me.

Trust has always been an issue for a lot of people I know; and if I were to analyze it, the reason will all boil down to fear - fear of the unknown, fear of disappointment, fear of failure; and the list goes on. We are so afraid that we cannot undo something anymore. We are so afraid of the possible changes that may occur after risking something.

For me, it's easy to trust - to take risks. Because at the end of the day, risking, and failing afterwards, still beats the hell out of not even trying in the first place.

Indifferent and sleepy,